We are celebrating a new moon in Libra today (06/10/21). New Moons are a time of rebirth and new beginnings. They give permission for us to clear the slate and start afresh. A new moon always takes on the characteristics of the sign in which it falls. As this month's new moon falls in Libra the emphasis is on balance, harmony, luxury and partnership. This is a perfect time to start new projects, to set you intention for the month ahead. Here's our guide to working with the new moon in Libra. Set an intention A new moon brings with it an extra boost of intention-setting energy. Harness this special energy to manifest what it is you truly desire. Be as detailed as you can. If you want a new job think hard about what it is, the salary and the location. Looking for a new partner? Picture in your mind what they look like. Are they tall, short, svelte, musclebound... Whatever your passion, whatever you require right here, right now ask the Universe to bring it to you with the new moon energy. Light a candle Lighting a candle sheds light on what it is you are seeking. It is a way of asking the universe to guide us to that which we seek. On the night of a new moon light a candle, gaze into the flame and request what it is you desire. Once you have set your intention place the candle in a safe place for it to burn out. New beginnings If there was ever a time to start something new it would be during n a new moon. Whether you are thinking of learning a new language, applying for a new job, wanting to ask out that sexy barista at Costa now is the time. The new moon is the most fertile time in the lunar cycle so use its energies wisely. Start everything and anything you feel passionate about. Now is the time for action. Relationships The new moon is the perfect time to go on a first date or to reignite the passion in a relationship gone stale. If you work with the energy of the new moon you will find that you attract the right people to you. Go with the flow and you may be surprised where the new moon takes an existing relationship or one that is new. Make a list To super charge your intentions make a list of them and write it down. As mentioned earlier, you need to be as detailed as possible. So if it's a new job you're seeking write down all aspects of it. Do you work from home or in an office? What are the hours you work? What kind of projects do you work on? If you have a boss what do they look like, what is their name? Make it as detailed as you can. The idea is to create an image in your mind of what this situation will look like down to the very smallest of details when you get there. Visualise it, write it down and sit back and watch it materialise. The new moon is magic! Photo by Benjamin Voros on Unsplash
![]() When learning the tarot it's really helpful to understand the core association with each of the cards. Once you know the basic meaning, the foundation of each card, you can then allow your own intuition to guide a reading. As with a traditional deck of playing cards, each of the minor arcana suits features four royal or court cards. These "head" the suit and normally when they feature in a spread, they relate to a person rather than a situation or outcome. Page - When a page appears in a spread it normally refers to a young person or someone with a youthful outlook and energy. It could also be asking the enquirer to remember what it's like to be young, to not take life too seriously. The page is associated with freshness and inspiration. New opportunities are being highlighted when the page appears. Take full advantage of this uplifting energy to start a new project, pursue and goal or to learn something new. ![]() Knight - This card is associated with a person who is confident, passionate and highly attractive to others. When it appears in a spread the energy it brings is one of boldness and dynamism. This person is driven and wants to achieve. They are a good individual to have around when one is feeling stuck or uninspired. They will work with you to get the job done. Their motto is "act now, think later". However, in their pursuit of action, they may be impulsive and a little impatient. As long as you bear this in mind when drawing on this energy, and check in to see that no corners are being cut in the process of the task in hand, then this is a positive individual to have in your corner. ![]() Queen - This court card represents a strong female energy. It could refer to a mother figure or a female mentor. The Queen is supportive and nurturing. When she appears, she is giving the enquirer permission to lean on her and to learn from her. She is here to make things run more smoothly, with her practical and resourceful approach to life. Her energy is one of love and compassion. This is someone who will not judge, who has patience and is fiercely protective of those around her. Draw on her energy to create an environment of calm and balance. ![]() King - When the king appears in a spread it often refers to a father figure or counsellor or adviser. The king is authoritative and masterful. Draw upon this energy when you are faced with a dilemma. The king demands you look at a situation with total impartiality, place emotion to one side, and then come to a balanced decision. The king may sometime come across as detached and disinterested in your personal affairs. He is not. He simply sits back and weighs up a situation subjectively. He is impartial and will use his head, rather than his heart in any given situation. Use his counsel wisely. Throughout centuries, in all cultures, numbers have carried hidden meanings. In China, the number eight is considered hugely lucky since in Mandarin it sounds like the word for "wealth", and in Cantonese it sounds like the word for "fortune". However, mention the number four to a Chinese person, and you'll get them running for cover as it's considered the unluckiest number due to sounding like the word for "death". In Judaism, three and seven are both considered perfect numbers while Muslims believe 786 is sacred because the Arabic letters of the opening phrase of the Quran add up to it.
If you are learning the Tarot or are studying cartomancy it is advisable to get familiar with the hidden meanings behind the deck numbers. Each suit in the minor arcana as well as in a traditional pack of cards has 10 numbered cards - one through to 10. To improve your readings it is essential that you understand what each of the number values means or represents. Here's our guide to number meanings: One: When this number appears in a spread it often is referring to an individual. This could be the person you are reading for or someone connected to them. It is also associated with creating and casting influence. This is an enabler, it gives permission to move on with a goal, ambition or simply to acknowledge that the ability and will is there. Two: There are two sides to every story. This number asks you to question that which is before you. Whether it's a situation that needs to be viewed from another angle or a person who is saying one thing but, maybe, means another. Two says do not take anything in your current world at face value. Three: A magic number that celebrates the collective. This number is about shared goals, working together to achieve. This number says you don't have to go it alone; there are others willing to support and help you move forward. It is also the number of expansion and fertility. This offers an opportunity to grow an idea, a business, a cause, and even an addition to the family. Four: Although feared in Chinese culture the number four in Tarot and cartomancy is associated with integrity and stability. When this number appears it is asking you to look at the structure of your life. Do you need to be more organised or to follow a daily regime to make things run more smoothly. It is reminding you that from order comes power and stability. Five: There is an air of mystery around the number five. When it appears it often means a shift in perspective is required. It invites you to be more curious about the world and gives you permission to be more adventurous. It is often associated with children and their playful energy and enthusiasm for life. Tap in to this number's spirit and the world will become a more joyful and magical place for you. Six: Some numbers are considered more special than others (don't tell the others though) - and six is one of them. It is linked to love, harmony and peace. If this number appears positively in your reading it is saying that all is good in your world. You are loved, you are valued. If its is negatively aspected it is asking whether your good nature is being taken advantage of. Are you giving too much? Are you overlooking your own needs and requirements at the expense of giving to others? Seven: One of the most mystical numbers in the deck seven is associated with completion and perfection. When seven appears in a spread it usually denotes a period of good fortune. It says all is good in the universe. You have worked hard and now you will be richly rewarded. This could be on a professional footing or an emotional one. This is a time to sit back and give thanks for all that you have. Eight: The Universe is always testing us; it is part of our spiritual journey in this realm. If we pass, we are given permission to move on. If we fail, we will need to go back to the beginning, and start again. Eight is the number of infinity. If it appears in your cards it is often asking whether you have successfully completed your latest challenge. You will know because if you haven't you will be facing an old problem/ circumstance/situation in a new setting. The same but different. Until you learn your lesson, you will be repeating the same cycle. Nine: Every nine years a new cycle begins so this number is associated with completion. Lessons should have been learned in order for you to start the next chapter in your life story, the next nine-year cycle. Any lessons not learned will be carried over and repeated in the next stage. But for now, nine says you are in a good place. It symbolises strength, confidence, success and good fortune. Step boldly into the next adventure. Ten: This number reminds you of what has been and invites you to be positive about what is to come. It is a number of calm reflection. You are being given permission to enjoy this period, to explore new possibilities and to consider what it is you truly desire. When 10 appears it is saying that you have all you need to manifest the life you wish to live. There is no pressure at this time. Do you want to change anything in your current world? Is there something that you have always wanted to achieve? Ten says a journey starts with a single step, so begin today. Photo by Susan Holt Simpson on Unsplash Are you intrigued about the Tarot? Is it something that you've always wanted to find out more about or even wanted to master? If you have any vague interest in these unique set of cards then this new series will help you navigate yourself around the deck and to learn how to read for yourself as well as for others. Origins It's always good to have a little background information in your arsenal. The tarot was first introduced in Italy in the mid 15th century to be used in the game Tarocchini. This colourful and complex card game is still played today in and around Bologna, and centres around winning tricks from opponents. How the tarot became a divination tool is still a mystery. The earliest recorded evidence of the tarot deck being used for cartomancy (fortune telling with cards) comes from an anonymous (spooky) manuscript from around 1750 which documents basic divinatory meanings for the Tarocco, the deck used for the aforementioned Tarocchini. The Deck The 78-card tarot deck is split into two sections: Major Arcana: This contains 22 cards and is known as the greater secrets deck. Each card represents the life lessons and karmic influences that are influencing a person's life and their soul's journey to enlightenment. The cards are numbered in Roman numerals from one to 21. There is one unnumbered card: The Fool. He is placed at the beginning of the deck as it is his journey the cards follow, meeting new teachers, learning new lessons, and eventually reaching the completion of The World card. He aids our own journey as we navigate the trials and tribulations of this life. ![]() Major Arcana in order of the journey: The Fool, The Magician, The High Priestess, The Empress, The Emperor, The Hierophant, The Lovers, The Chariot, Strength, The Hermit, Wheel of Fortune, Justice, The Hanged Man, Death, Temperance, The Devil, The Tower, The Star, The Moon, The Sun, Judgement, and finally The World. Minor Arcana: This contains 56 cards and is known as the lesser secrets deck. As with a traditional deck of cards, the tarot is split into four suits. ![]() Swords - this suit is associated with the element of air, and in a traditional pack of cards is aligned to spades. When all is well in the world it can be still or a force to be reckoned with when action is required. This is a masculine suit, linked to knowledge, power, and change. You've heard the expression "a double-edged sword" - something that has or can have both favourable and unfavourable consequences. Swords need to be balanced by surrounding cards to have the most positive effect. ![]() Cups - this suit is associated with the element of water. It can be soft and gentle like the lapping waves on a shore or powerful and life changing like a Tsunami. It deals with emotions associated with love, feelings, relationships and connections. It is a feminine energy and draws on intuition and subtle power and strength. In a traditional pack of playing cards it is linked to the suit of hearts. ![]() Pentacles - sometimes referred to as Coins this suit is linked to the element of earth. It is the suit of life foundations. One reaps what one sows. Put in the work, nurture and support, and a foundation will be strong. Neglect any aspect of this process and problems will arise. A feminine element, the suit of Pentacles guides us to create, transform and to live the life we visualise. It is associated with the suit of diamonds in a traditional pack of cards. ![]() Wands - also known as Staves or Rods is associated with the element of fire. It is a masculine energy and draws on passion, energy, enthusiasm and sexuality. When one has a fire in one's belly it can be a force to change things that are wrong in the world. However, used unwisely and it can lead to getting burned. When wands appear it mirrors what is important to you at the core of your being. But don't be fooled, similarly to when Alice looked through looking glass, not everything is always what it seems. Wands are associated with the suit of clubs in a traditional pack of cards. So there you have it - a brief introduction to the Tarot. When you start to use a deck try to keep in mind these basics but don't be limited by them. The tarot works with you and your own intuition and interpretation.
If you’ve been feeling out of sorts, like life has been a trial of late, you can blame the planet Mercury. For the past month the planet nearest the sun has been in retrograde which according to stargazers means the areas of life it rules are hampered. Mercury is the planet that governs communication so when it’s standing still all hell breaks loose. One only has to look at the recent posturing by North Korea and the destruction caused by Hurricane Harvey to see the mark of Mercury Retrograde. After four long weeks of chaos, Tuesday finally saw the planet move out of retrograde and into prograde. Hopefully, we should all start to feel the effects of this transition. Life should move a little smoother, we should all sleep a little lighter, and start to feel a little easier with the world around us. ![]() To see what the Universe has in store for you during this next planetary phase take 30 to 60 seconds to look over the six images. Then close your eyes and relax. One image will stand out for you, emerge in your mind’s eye. This is the one that has a special meaning for you, a message from Mercury prograde. Read and take note of what it has to say. It is written in the stars… Top Row Left
You have a journey ahead of you. There is a path that you are meant to take. Don’t worry that you may miss it or that you may take the wrong turn. Your guides have great Sat-Nav so will ensure you are in the right place at the right time. The journey will take you much further away where you will encounter new people, enjoy new experiences. Your emotions will be mixed. At times along to way you may feel scared, excited, hopeful or uncertain but trust you are being watched over and protected. Your past life has come to an end, a new one is beginning. It is divinely blessed and brimming with success. Top Row Middle No matter how often you have been told no, been hampered by rules and regulations, denied your right to be, you have not withdrawn or withered. In fact, it’s the very opposite, you’ve grown stronger in purpose and conviction. Your spirit unbroken. Your guides want you to know they are with you through ever challenge, by your side, encouraging you to be rise above it all, to be free. Your perseverance has paid off. You are now at a stage where you have all the power, you hold all the cards. Don’t pick at the salad bar when you can feast on the grand buffet. Whether others judge or admire, find it shocking or inspiring, that is about them not you. It is your time to fly. Top Row Right Sometimes there is a need to focus on the new, seek out wild paths, develop untapped resources and explore fresh possibilities. The thrill of hope, inspiration and optimism can be an exciting draw. Being open to new possibilities can be healthy, keep us feeling young at heart. However, at this time you are being asked to question what is the motivation behind your current desire for a new adventure. If fear, boredom or lack of commitment is the real reason then you are being urged to stop and look clearly at what you already have in your life. Now is not the time to step away from what you are cultivating, even if it seems to have lost its sparkle or run out of energy. Success is just a breath away. Bottom Row Left Instinct can tell you when something is not as it seems, such as when a person’s words do not match their intentions. You don’t have to think about how you know, you just know. Instinct is a natural part of your body’s wisdom and when combined with the heart’s intuition can be a powerful driving force to living your life to its full potential. At this time, you are being advised to listen and to trust your instinct. Do not dismiss feelings or hunches as merely judgment rather than the truth presenting itself to you. Perhaps you are sensing that a relationship is not healthy for you, despite a long history and no particular change. You may have a gut feeling that a project at work is wrong for the business. Listen and respond to your instinct and life will flow more easily. Bottom Row Middle Now is the time to leap. Do not hesitate. Do not fear. You don’t need to have all the answers to know that everything is going to work out perfectly. You simply have to trust. This is not a time for small tentative steps. You need to be brave. Be bold. Be definite. A big gesture is required. Take a running leap, with your eyes wide open – you don’t want to miss anything! Don’t worry about whether or not you’ll seem foolish or if you are ready. Know that you are in harmony with the universe. It is your “I can” moment which your guides advise only come along a handful of times in a lifetime. You don’t want to miss this opportunity, to look back with regret. Take a deep breath – and go for it! Bottom Row Right Life can sometimes get a little overwhelming, especially when energy reserves are low. You are being given permission to step back from your outer world, to find retreat in your inner one. Your guides advise now is not a time to keep taking in more information, or to push yourself to have more experiences, meet new people or take new risks. That will all happen again soon. For now, create time and space. Tap into your inner world where you will find the peace and clarity you are currently seeking. The answers lie within the stillness. Do not worry about taking time out from the world. Do not fear you are turning your back on life. This inner work will reveal something special, something that needs to be drawn from the unconscious and brought to the surface. Silence is golden. For thousands of years, crystals have been used as a source of healing, as amulets for protection, and as a tool to help connect to the vibrations of The Universe. These minerals have been growing within the Earth, formed over millions of years, shaped by volcanic heat and waters, and charged with natural elemental powers. In many cultures it is believed these natural wonders each contain a specific healing, personal empowerment or protection vibration that when tapped can have a profound effect on our physical and mental wellbeing; the crystal’s energy balancing and realigning atoms within our own bodily makeup. It is said that whatever you need - whether you’re aware of the need or not - the right crystal guide will have a way of finding you. ![]() Take 30 to 60 seconds to look over the six images of crystals. Then close your eyes and relax. One image will stand out for you, emerge in your mind’s eye. This is the one that has a special meaning for you, a message from your crystal guides. Read and take note of what they have to say. Rose Quartz (Top row left)
If Rose Quartz has drawn you to its vibration today you are being reminded to be as kind to yourself as you are to others. Forgive yourself for past mistakes and let go of old hang-ups and feelings of anger, jealousy and resentment. Accept and love who you are and remember if others cannot embrace this it’s their own inadequacies, not yours. This crystal wants to empower you, to help you find your mojo. It magnifies creativity and imagination so if you’re wanting to write that book, start that new business venture, or even create that new life this vibration is saying this is a great time to do so. Step into this period of harmony and watch the magic happen. Blue Lace Agate (Top row middle) What are you not saying to someone that they need to hear? This is the question being asked of you by Blue Lace Agate. Your intuition, gut instinct, is telling you what you need to do and what you need to say, but something is stopping you. Is it a fear of being judged? Maybe, you’re frightened that you might upset someone dear? The gentle vibration of Blue Lace Agate urges you to express the feelings that are in your heart honestly. No matter how hard the situation may seem, this vibration is saying if you speak the truth with kindness, you will receive a favourable outcome. Peace can only come when you allow yourself to freely express what is within. Carnelian (Top row right) This is not a time to back down or to settle for second best. If Carnelian has spoken to you, drawn you to its vibration, life is about to get very interesting indeed. This bad boy means business. He’ll shake you up and kick in to touch any feelings of apathy or insecurities that may have recently crept into your world. He’s like your very own Mr Motivator, arming you with courage, drive, ambition, heaps of vitality, and a “get real and focused” attitude to push you to achieve not just what you need but what you want. With this highly-charged vibration driving you forward towards new opportunities that Porsche Spyder 218 you’ve been secretly Googling might just turn from a dream into a reality. Amethyst (Bottom row left) Are you partying a little too hard? Spending more with the turf accountant? Has the one glass of wine after work turned into a bottle? Another Krispy Kreme won’t hurt, will it? There is something that you are doing to excess that has drawn you to Amethyst’s soothing vibration. In Ancient Greek Amethystos means not to be intoxicated and Amethyst is in your world right now to help guide you away from any form of addiction or extreme behaviour. This purple crystal is here to remind you that you do not need to reward yourself with excesses of any kind to feel good. Embrace this beautiful vibration and you’ll start to find more physical, mental and emotional balance – and a newfound confidence to say “no”. Tiger’s Eye (Bottom row middle) If you have been challenged to look into Tiger’s Eye then you are being warned there is somebody in your orbit that is causing problems behind your back. To your face this person is your friend but Tiger’s Eye vibration is calling them out as false and untrue. They are not to be trusted and they mean to bring you down. Don’t worry though to be forewarned is to be forearmed. Tiger’s Eye is offering you protection from malice or unseen threats. To know whether a person is the real deal and is reliable Tiger’s Eye is asking you to tap into his protective vibration and trust your feelings. It will soon become clear just who or what is the unknown enemy. Sunstone (Bottom row right) You are being given permission to enjoy yourself, to do something for pleasure not business if Sunstone has caught your eye. This sparkling vibration is encouraging you to live in the present, to seize the day and to remind you that this life is no dress rehearsal. When is the last time you actually did something for yourself without feeling guilty? Sunstone wants to see you having a little more fun, add a dash more pizazz to your life. Book a random day off work and take yourself off to a spa or play a round of golf. Read that book you’ve been meaning to for the past six months, or visit that Tate Modern exhibition. You’ve always wanted to travel on the Orient Express so, Sunstone is saying, go on and treat yourself. Mackenzie Crook shot to fame playing self-important paper salesman Gareth Keenan in the BBC comedy The Office alongside its creator Ricky Gervais. Since then, the actor has gone on to star in several of the Pirates Of The Caribbean blockbusters in which he plays Ragetti, a pirate with an ill-fitting wooden eye, has performed in numerous theatre productions for which he has received critical success, written an award-nominated children’s book and has scripted, starred and directed in the Bafta-winning comedy Detectorists . Oh, and he’s also appeared in HBO’s mega hit Game of Thrones. The actor’s latest venture sees him taking on the role of vampire hunter Larousse in the star-studded British comedy horror movie Eat Locals, directed by Jason Flemyng, which opens in cinemas September 1. We love a man who can make us laugh so it was with a light heart we laid out the crystals to see find out more about the marvellous Mr Crook. Scratch The Surface He’s built up a sizeable bank balance by playing nerd-like and haphazard characters but Mackenzie is no fool. The Tarot suggests this is one smart cookie who when presented with an opportunity grasps it with both hands and makes it his own. Our guides say the 45-year-old has never had a career plan but simply knew from an early age he wanted to be an entertainer. He feels comfortable in this world which at times can make him a little lazy; he’s of the belief “what’s for you won’t go by you”. Our Witch Twitch says for the most part this is true but the star must be careful not to become too complacent or else this Crook will be robbed of his future success. Animal Totem Our guides show Mackenzie is at one with Spirit animal totem Raccoon. Extremely courageous and remarkably ferocious for one so small, Raccoon will defend itself, rather than flee, when it feels threatened. With this little chap as a guide, Mackenzie knows instinctively when to let things slide and when to stand up for himself. In Native American folklore, mask-wearing Raccoon is seen as a trickster, not a malicious one, but a light-hearted mischief maker which helps to shape Mackenzie’s character. Running with Raccoon fills Mackenzie with a love of exploration. The actor has a natural curiosity. He’s interested in the wonders of the world and the marvels of minutia. He’s keen to constantly explore new realms, and to take part in new pastimes. Our Witch Twitch says Raccoon reminds Mackenzie that he can always change who and what he is to what he wants to be. Love & Relationships The Tarot suggests despite having many acquaintances Mackenzie likes to keep his inner circle small that way he can spend quality time with those people who truly have meaning for him. The crystals show family is extremely important to The Office star; he likes nothing better than getting the Crook Clan together for an afternoon shindig. Our guides say he has a strong affection for his parents, which has grown since having his own children. The star will always choose his family over his wants and desires – even if they’re presented to him on a plate. Where love is concerned, the Tarot suggests Mackenzie puts his heart and soul into relationships – and he expects it to be returned. He’s a great partner but he does need to be adored. We’re guessing his wife of 16 years Lindsay knows how to handle these demands. It’s what keeps this relationship going strong. Our Witch Twitch warns Mackenzie to curb jealous tendencies that may rear from time to time; they will only push away those he loves. Crystal Ball Over the next couple of months, there may be some tricky times for the 45-year-old funnyman. Our guides suggest it may be connected with some form of words, maybe on a contract or a new project like a script or manuscript. Mackenzie is advised to remain objective and to keep a clear head. As long as he has truth on his side all is well. The Tarot indicates that a move into film directing is well starred. It will come after the star has created a couple more small screen outings, projects he writes as well as directs. He must remain confident. He has the ability to achieve great success. Why swim in a pond when you have an ocean in which to play? He is advised to carry or wear a piece of carnelian. This will help raise the actor’s positive vibration as well as boosting his self-esteem. Our Witch Twitch says Mackenzie should have no regrets. A$AP Rocky, real name Rakim Mayers, is one of the most prominent rap artists to have emerged in the last decade, having exploded into the mainstream after the critical success of his debut mixtape Live.Love.A$AP. In just six short years the Harlem artist has gone from the minor leagues to the majors, collaborating with a host of big names including Drake, Mariah Carey, Rod Stewart, and Justin Timberlake. The multi-talented A$AP Mob front man is coming to The O2 on Bank Holiday Sunday (August 27) as part of the Boy Better Know Takeover , a one-day multi-discipline festival featuring music, Five-A-Side football tournaments, skateboarding, BMXing, roller disco, gaming events and cinema. We’re rather intrigued by the US tabloid fodder favourite so it was with a keen mind and deft hand we cast the runes and flipped the tarot cards to see what fires the “braggodocious” young gun. Scratch The Surface There is no questioning that this brash young rapper has attitude. He burst onto the rap scene back in 2011, telling the world to wake up to his genius. He has an impulsive, devil-may-care attitude but underneath it all, the tarot suggests, this is a young spirit who has had to grow up fast. He’s seen death around him, rob him of loved ones. Too close for comfort, the 28-year-old has hot-footed it forward. The fear of knowing means this one is not going the way of the ghetto. Calling out the shadows, flirting with fate, he has a point to prove and the wizarding skills to shine. What you see is a carefully crafted veneer overlaying the real deal. He is you but in a totally different universe. Our Witch Twitch says for Rocky to stay ahead of the curve, to reach the dizzying as-yet unexplored heights he can reach, he needs to remain true – and to never forget there but for the grace of God go I. Animal Totem Our guides show Rocky is at one with Spirit animal totem Woodpecker. With this magical spirit bird as his guide, the East Coast MC has the power of rhythm in his blood. He is tuned to the heartbeat of the Earth and the cycles that rule it. He instinctively knows the answer before the question. By drawing on the earth’s energies and vibrations, Woodpecker provides Rocky with the ability to grab every ones’ attention with the simplest of words. He understands the power of both the spoken and written word and ensures Rocky uses his language sparingly and precisely to get across his point. His power lies in being able to inform and raise awareness. Our Witch Twitch says Woodpecker reminds Rocky to listen more clearly to the subtle energies that surround him so that his intuition, which will never lead him wrong, can guide. Love & Relationships The Tarot suggests the Purple Swag rapper has a great sense of humour which makes him an attractive guy to be around. He’s never on the sidelines, always the centre of any party, the sun around whom everyone else orbits. He’s a generous individual with both his time and cash. Our guides say he needs to be a little bit more selective when it comes to those he bestows this generosity wealth upon. Women flock around him like wasps to liquorice. The crystals show he loves beauty in all its forms. He’s a romantic and loves to wine and dine anything fine. Anyone who catches this chap’s eye is in for a bling time. When it comes to girlfriends, he’s in the business of trading up. His current rumoured squeeze, supermodel Kendall Jenner (pictured above), is where it’s at now. We'd like to think Kendall’s a bit of a keeper though… But the boy’s still young, with plenty more along for the ride. Our Witch Twitch says there may be plenty of fillies but Rocky needs to remember there are very few thoroughbreds. Crystal Ball
Life is fast and furious and it’s not about to slow down any time soon for Rocky. Despite all the negative press – and the occasional ill-thought-out remarks (Rita, he is sorry for those lyrics) - he’s actually one of the good guys who does give a hoot about people. The Tarot suggests in the next few months there could be a new property move. An ocean is calling and will help ease the insomnia. Our guides advise he should negotiate harder on the price because a better deal is to be had. The crystals show someone is trying to get script into Rocky’s hand. It’s important that it lands because it will bring Rocky to a new audience. However, there are people with loud voices and even louder opinions blocking the way because they don’t want the boy to grab the Golden Snitch. The genie needs to be released from the bottle because only then can the wishes be granted. Our Witch Twitch says Rocky is advised to listen to the one who whispers, never roars, in the room. Ryan Reynolds is one of the most popular and likeable actors in Hollywood. The Canadian born star has carved his way from box office champion to critics’ darling, earning himself a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and being named by Time magazine as one of “The 100 Most Influential People” in the world in the process. In his latest silver screen outing the 40-year-old actor stars as a haphazard gun for hire in The Hitman’s Bodyguard alongside acting giant Samuel L Jackson (in cinemas tomorrow, Friday, August 18). Ever since we saw the handsome star in TV sitcom Two Guys And A Girl we’ve had a teensy weensy crushette on him so we were delighted to divine his hidden depths, to read his runes, to find out the man behind the mask. Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool Scratch The Surface He comes across as super cool and confident but underneath it all the tarot suggests Ryan has moments of insecurity, especially where his acting skills are concerned. It’s as though he doubts his gifts and is just waiting for someone to rumble him, call him out on it. The Tarot shows that his laidback persona actually masks a person who is incredibly driven and disciplined, who has a desire to work hard and to prove to himself that his place in Hollywood is not a fluke. He’s a family man at heart and wants to be the provider. Our guides say this may at times cause conflict in his relationships because he may not always understand why the other person wants to work, too. He’s quick-witted and generous to a fault. He’s happiest when he’s surrounded by love ones, showering them with life’s luxuries. Our Witch Twitch says Ryan knows never to take for granted that which has been given because just as easy as it comes it can go. Love & Relationships The Tarot suggests family is incredibly important to the Deadpool star. It is his raison d’etre. He’s very close to family members especially when it comes to his siblings. The crystal ball shows he still enjoys playing around with them, sharing memories of when they were naughty and reckless children. Our guides say because of his close upbringing he makes for a great parent. His girls, James and Ines, are his world. In relationships, he is a hopeless romantic and, the Tarot suggests, he likes to be seduced – and do the seducing, too. Our guides say, he doesn’t set out to break hearts – that’s not his style – but unfortunately due to his mercurial nature it can be a by-product. Not every girl gets to keep this boy. Just ask former fiancée singer Alanis Morissette, who penned the ballad Torch about Reynolds when they split, and ex-wife actress Scarlett Johansson (our guides suggest a lack of family love played a part in this break up). Love is deep with his wife, Gossip Girl actress and his Green Lantern co-star Blake Lively. The Tarot suggests they share the same family values and relish being in their own little universe. Our Witch Twitch says, sorry girls, this one is for keeps. Animal Totem Our guides show Ryan is at one with Spirit animal totem Goose. It may not be the sexiest of symbols but it is one of the most dynamic. With this magical spirit bird as his guide, the actor is likely to be ambitious to a fault. He sets goals for accomplishment, and always obtains them. The goose is determined to succeed at all cost - not for the approval of other - but those with this Native American animal symbol compete with their own internal foe. Goose can often make Ryan come across as domineering, he’s not he’s simply driven. Birds of a feather flock together; Ryan is best when he’s in a loving environment as it pushes him further to excel in all things he attempts. He’s passionate about those in his flock and will go to any lengths to protect them. Goose can also bring out a cheeky side to the actor which can have a people eating out of his hand. Our Witch Twitch says Goose reminds Ryan there are always new skies to fly. Crystal Ball
If you think this guy is a star now you ain’t seen nothing yet. The Tarot shows this is only the beginning for the The Proposal star. His career is going to take a stellar leap after taking on a seriously successful movie role. It will bring him huge plaudits as well as a cabinet of gold. Our guides say a future onscreen partnership is likely to be testing, with advances made that are not reciprocated by Ryan. He needs to be careful this doesn’t get blown out of proportion, to brush it off and pretend that it’s all a bit of fun. This person has powerful friends. Our guides warn not to get on the wrong side of her! Although he’s at home in the city, a new house, with a view of the ocean, is going to bring much joy to Ryan and his family. It will be a retreat where he will relax with friends, the door always open, rooms always filled with laughter. The Tarot suggests within 18 months they’ll be another addition to the Reynolds’ family. Although there may be a slight complication surrounding this in the early stages. On a health note, the crystals advise Ryan to take up meditation, even if it’s a five-minute time out in his day. Our Witch Twitch says life is charmed but Ryan needs to watch out for those who wish to steal it. Shaun Williamson is best known for playing hapless Barry Evans in popular BBC soap EastEnders. It’s a role that not only made him a household favourite but also pigeon hold him as an actor. Despite his character being killed off 13 years ago, to many he is and forever always will be ‘Barry from EastEnders’. In a bid to shake off the memory, revive his career and prove to the viewing public there’s more in the repertoire than a balding, fat dodgy car dealer, the 51-year-old actor has signed up for this year’s Celebrity Big Brother, currently airing on Channel 5. In a bid to get some inside information on the actor and singer, we called on the crystals and cast the runes to find out if Shaun can ever lay Barry to rest. Scratch The Surface Although he is best known for playing a bumbling and naïve failure, our guides say Shaun is as sharp as a tack. He’s super smart – he did beat former Home Secretary David Blunkett and the BBC Middle East Editor and TV presenter Jeremy Bowen to lift the Celebrity Mastermind trophy – but he keeps this side of his personality under wraps. The tarot suggests he shouldn’t hide his light under bushel it’s partly because he does that he’s been typecast in the past. Shaun wants to be taken seriously as an actor, not simply remembered for his soap persona. There is a youngness about Shaun’s soul which helps him see the glass as half full rather than half empty. Despite not always getting the lucky break he’s optimistic about the future. He sets goals – always manageable ones – so as to ensure he is always moving forward. There’s nothing this chap likes better than to cross off the to-do-and-achieve list. Our Witch Twitch says luckily the actor will not have to live with the regret of not wearing slip on shoes. Animal Totem Our guides show Shaun is at one with Spirit animal totem Snake. With this magical spirit animal as his guide, the actor is likely to be highly intuitive. He may not always know how he knows things but he instinctively does. This is not always easy to deal with, especially when it’s as though he can see right through people, see into their soul, see if they are being true or false. This is especially tough given the profession Sean’s chosen to work in! Snake makes it difficult for Shaun to hold his tongue or to show his displeasure at perceived injustice. Again this openness is not conducive to the world of acting where the egos of directors and producers are easily bruised. To ensure he always works in this town, he is advised to carry malachite in order to mask his true feelings. Snake shares enlightenment with Shaun. Our Witch Twitch says Snake reminds Shaun there is always another skin to be shed, a life cycle to live. Love & Relationships The Tarot suggests the actor enjoys his own company and is quite happy spending time in his head. He is advised not to get stuck in it! He is very selective when it comes to letting people into his life which is why his circle is limited. He has many acquaintances but few true friends. An independent soul, he often keeps to himself especially when going through turbulent times – which are far too often for the star’s liking. The dad of two is a great listener, always providing a shoulder to cry on. However, he’s not especially great when it comes to opening up to others. The tarot suggests Shaun needs to trust somebody with his feelings and emotions. It’s one way to gain wisdom and another perspective on things. It’s also a good way to win friends and influence others – and get more work! When it comes to romance, this guy plays for keeps (he’s been married to wife Melanie (pictured above) for 20 years). The tarot suggests he’s very romantic and, given the opportunity, incredibly passionate. Our Witch Twitch says be open to feel the force. Crystal Ball
Appearing in Celebrity Big Brother is just what the cosmos ordered – or what Shaun put on his To-Do list to tick off. It’s his time to shine, a moment to remind people just why we love this self-effacing celeb. The tarot suggests he’ll go all the way but he must remember to keep his head while those around him lose theirs – which they will. Moving forward our guides say there is the potential to be part of a comedy duo or ensemble. The project will come to fruition through a woman, with red hair, who by chance meets Shaun in a green room. Someone with the initial ‘J’ is also going to prove a good contact for the star but it may mean a move to another part of the country or even further afield for a period of time. The theatre is well-starred but, our guides say, it doesn’t always need to be panto! On a health front, Shaun is urged to check his cholesterol. He may also need to look into taking some form of supplement such as iron or magnesium. However, don’t take our word for it. The message is coming through loud and clear: An all-over body check up is advised. It may be the answer to energy slumps. Our Witch Twitch says a new chapter of the story is ready to be written. However, the mind may be willing but the body may not be able if Shaun doesn’t play his part now… |
AuthorThe Witch of the Wharf is a published writer and blogger. A favourite with celebrity clients for her uncannily accurate readings. Archives
October 2021